Monday, February 06, 2006

Another One Outta' the Park

Chris Byrne is an interesting fellow. Quite likely to get on your nerves at some point, and in dire need of a spellchecker, but he often has some pretty intriguing points of view, and he expresses them very well.

Like this:

For example, I find most abortion offensive, but it is the law of the land and I have no right to try and stop it except by changing the law, or changing an individuals mind; and in fact I don’t think the law SHOULD be changed; but as many peoples minds as possible SHOULD be.

I don't know if I've ever heard my views on abortion expressed so precicely. I know I've never said it that well myself.


Blogger Aaron Neal said...

Actually, you'd be surprised how many of the folks around the Blogosphere WILL run their home based on the Constitution :)

Welcome, wax tadpole (you're gonna have to explain that one to me) - now don't be a stranger!

12:07 AM  

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