Garden Yummies
Please ignore the mess - the important part is the veggies on the paper plate/towels and the pickles behind them.
ALL from our garden.
Pickles, of course, are because cucumbers almost always overproduce. Using my Great-grandmother's recipe, I canned up TEN QUARTS of dill pickles (traded one quart for some fresh tomatoes and peppers from my friend Bud; he spent more money and planted more-mature seedlings than I did, and I WANT tomatoes! Mine are still green). The fried plate is okra, potatoes, and squash, diced and dredged in a mix of cornmeal and flour, fried in oil with a super-diced onion and garlic.
Okra, potatoes, squash, and onion all came from the garden Lisa and I have been working on.
Now, I am by NO means a vegetarian - If God didn't want us to eat animals, He shouldn't have made them taste so good.
But that was an AWESOME dinner, even with no meat at all. And all the better, that almost all of it was home-grown.
Still have a week or so before the pickles should be good to try; I'm looking forward to seeing how they taste :)
This is from a few nights ago. Tonight we had some fried green tomatoes, and they were good too. (I prefer ice-cold ripe tomatoes, sliced with a little salt). I accidentally knocked a green tomato off the vine yesterday, and told Lisa to pick some green ones today to make FGTs. She'd been craving them... yummy, just not my preferred prep for tomatoes :)
Green beans, sweet corn, and cantaloupe soon; okra, squash, and cucumbers still coming in like gangbusters. I'm about to call done on lettuce, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes, and get things ready to put purple-hulled peas in their place for this fall.
Also going to greatly increase the size of the garden. Stay tuned!
More good stuff later.... Tomatoes are plentiful and ripening,